Mermaid T-Shirts for Sale

Mermaid T-Shirts for Sale
Get Your Tail to the Beach

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Medusirena and her Aquatic Gal Pals swim at the Wreck Bar every Friday night
at 6:30 ..........come for a beverage and watch the hour long show!
Get there early for a great seat!
Fun place to go while on vacation or just every friday
something different to see!  I love it there!!!!!

Yankee Clipper/Sheraton Hotel in Fort Lauderdale on A1A

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1 comment:

  1. I am wondering if you are still making mermaid t-shirts and if you make a childs size 5 and the price and also how soon one could be shipped to Vermont? They are so cute , can't wait to hear back from you. MY g-babies b-day is Sept. 7. looking for one for her.
